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In the early days of development Maya started with Tcl as the scripting language, in order to leverage its similarity to a Unix shell language, but after the merger with Wavefront it was replaced with Maya Embedded Language MEL.
Maya 1. Following a series of acquisitions, Maya was bought by Autodesk in However, the name "Maya" continues to be the dominant name used for the product.
Maya is an application used to generate 3D assets for use in film, television, games, and commercials. The software was initially released for the IRIX operating system. However, this support was discontinued in August after the release of version 6. Maya was available in both "Complete" and "Unlimited" editions until August , when it was turned into a single suite.
Users define a virtual workspace scene to implement and edit media of a particular project. Scenes can be saved in a variety of formats, the default being. Maya exposes a node graph architecture. Scene elements are node -based, each node having its own attributes and customization. As a result, the visual representation of a scene is based entirely on a network of interconnecting nodes, depending on each other's information.
For the convenience of viewing these networks, there is a dependency and a directed acyclic graph. Nowadays, the 3D models can be imported to game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity. The widespread use of Maya in the film industry is usually associated with its development on the film Dinosaur , released by Disney and The Secret Lab on May 19, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved December 16, Archived from the original on November 15, Retrieved December 10, Archived from the original on Retrieved May 18, Maya books.
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